
CrossReach is the social care provider arm of the Church of Scotland, it is one of the largest charities in Scotland with over eighty units across Scotland including schools, addiction units, mental health, homelessness, learning difficulties,counselling, care of the elderly and dementia care. The organisation employs some 2000 staff and over 1000 volunteers utilising the resources of churches and faith organisations across the country to ensure not only excellent community support for schemes, but welcoming communities for users and carers to return to where possible. Our mission is to provide care in Christ's name to people of all faiths and none in Scotland, and we do this primarily through local authority contracts but also through a range of charitable activities funded through our own or church based fundraising activities. We also support and assist individual churches and communities to set up and sustain local community action through development and planning teams and staff secondment.
project started: 
Mainly local authority contracts, some grant or charity assisted projects
contact person: 
Alan Staff
Charis House, 37/9 Milton Road East, Edinburgh EH15 2SR
0131 657 2000