
What is community? by Barney Leith

Words have meanings: some words, however, also have a fee

Faith in Social Action: Where Next? Updates and documents

Tue 24th May
University of Westminster
FBRN Conference image
 A day conference for faith based practitioners, third sector leaders, researchers and policy makersHosted by Faith-based Regeneration Network, Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham, and the Edward Cadbury Centre for the Public Understanding of Religion

A Baha'i Perspective by Barney Leith, FbRN Trustee

The Bahá’í community’s commitment to social action is rooted in its sacred scriptures, which state that all human beings ‘have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization’.

A Baha'i Perspective by Barney Leith, FbRN Trustee

The Bahá’í community’s commitment to social action is rooted in its sacred scriptures, which state that all human beings ‘have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization’.

Interfaith Week - England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Sun 20th Nov - Sat 26th Nov
The aims of Inter Faith Week are: Strengthening good inter faith relations at all levels Increasing awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the Uk, in particular celebrating and building on the contribution which their members make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society. increasing understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs 


Swindon Young People's Empowerment Programme's aim is to develop a healthy human spirit in children and young people, and adults who work with them
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