
The lies we tell ourselves: ending comfortable myths about poverty

Report image

Download this report which lays to rest the myths that both poverty and wealth are deserved.

FbRN National Conference Programme

The latest programme for FbRN's National Conference on Monday 18th March

FbRN National Conference

FbRN conference
National Conference 2013 18th March 2013   Facing the Challenges, Looking for Opportunities Innovation, Networking, Policy, Practice, Research, Skills

Charity Commission consults on new guidance for trustees

The Charity Commission has launched a consultation on its new guidance for trustees, the closing date for which is 17 February.

Free training for small charities - 21st - 23rd January 2014

Tue 21st Jan - Thu 23rd Jan
The FSI is offering a 3 day National Training Event in London offering 15 full day training courses covering a wide range of fundraising skills and techniques ranging from Developing Your Core Case for Support to Trusts and Foundations, Major Donors and Legacy Fundraising. There will also be courses covering key skills such as Project Management, Marketing & Communications and Managing Volunteers. Info on courses and booking pages can be found here:

Does religious literacy reduce prejudice? - 24th October 2013

What is the reality of religious discrimination in the UK and Europe? If we were just relying on the popular press we might be

Time to Change grants fund

Time To Change logo
Funding for projects to create opportunities for the public to have conversations with people with mental health problems about their experiences.

Commercial Skills Masterclass for Public Service Delivery

South West Forum logo
 A two day masterclass in Commercial Skills for Public Service Delivery for just £45

ENGAGE Birmingham – Youth Work Training Course

A training initiative organised by the Feast in partnership with the Centre for Youth Ministry and the Christian Muslim Forum.
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